About Me
Courses Taught
Professional Bodies
Research Projects

About Me

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03-89212020 Ext: 2051
Department of Business & Management

Academic Qualifications


Working Experiences

Position Place of Work Start End
Lecturer Kolej Yayasan Restu 2006 2010

Courses Taught

  1. EEBB233 - E-Business
  2. EIBB313 - Issues in Business Economics
  3. EVMB133 - E-Business
  4. EVMB223 - Entrepreneurship
  5. HRSB393 - Applied HR Research
  6. IBMB323 - Production and Operation Management
  7. MARB123 - Principles of Marketing
  8. MARB214 - Consumer and Buyer Behaviour
  9. MARB344 - Marketing Project
  10. MARB383 - Marketing Project
  11. MGMB113 - Principles of Management
  12. MGMB213 - Organisational Behaviour
  13. MGMB223 - Organisation Theory
  14. MGMB243 - Marketing and Human Resources Management
  15. MGTM606 - Research Project / Case Study
  16. MKGB113 - Principles of Marketing
  17. MKGB213 - Consumer and Buyer Behaviour
  18. MKGB343 - Marketing Research
  19. MKLB224 - Consumer and Buyer Behaviour
  20. MMLB113 - Principles of Management
  21. MMLB123 - Communication for Business
  22. MMTB243 - Human Resource Management
  23. MRPM634 - Research Project
  24. SEMF123 - Introduction to Energy Management

Professional Bodies

  1. Institute of marketing Malaysia (MIM): - 2016

Research Projects

  1. Determinants of User Acceptance and Usage Behavior of the Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) among Private University’s Students in Pahang.
  2. Organizing Fun Elements at classroom: Exploring its effects on student satisfaction
  3. Screening Model For Mental Health Indicators Among Generation Y
  4. The application of waiting lines system in improving customer service management
  5. The Development and Validation of Iman Intelligence Scale (i-Intelligence)


  1. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Zaifudin Bin Zainol, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Justice In Academic, Students’ Satisfaction And Motivation At Malaysia Higher Education Institutions; International Conference On Quality Teaching And Learning (Icqtl) 2012; The purpose of this study is to examine the applicability of organizational justice in academic environment with students’ motivation and satisfaction at Malaysia Higher Education Institutions. This study involves Malaysia universities students in Klang Valley. A sample of 400 degree students majoring in various programs from 12 local and private universities were asked for input and results of the study showed several significant findings. The questionnaire was designed based on the review of the literature. Most of the instruments have been applied and adopted from the previous study. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed and as a result, they were only 348 usable questionnaires. The various instruments were used in the questionnaire which is Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Interpersonal Justice, Motivation and Satisfaction Questionnaire. To examine the consistency of the instrument and minimizing the measurement error, reliability test were conducted. The reliability of the instrument used is acceptable, which is ranging from 0.70 to 0.948. And in order to investigate and answer all eight research questions, a Correlation analysis was carried out. Using this analysis, the results conclude all eight hypotheses can be accepted. In the last chapter, some suggestions have been made for future use of the researcher to enhance the added value of this research especially in this academic field.; 23 Oct 2012; Conference Proceeding; None
  2. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, Rusnita Bte. Alimun; Does Tqm Practices Enhance Workforce Performance: A Case Of Uniten; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2013; Total Quality Management is a tool for employees to practice continuous improvement in enhancing their performance. It is a management philosophy proven by researchers in improving quality and productivity. The ISO 9001:2008 encourages a process approach to quality management. Having certified in 2009, UNITEN’s employees have been exposed to a working environment with a continuous improvement culture unconsciously. The purpose of this study is to examine the TQM practices toward workforce performance. The result is an evident to whether TQM practices is effective in improving the workforce performance. 200 questionnaires were distributed to UNITEN staff selected randomly. The analysis was on descriptive statistic, reliability and correlation. ; 19 Jun 2013; Conference Proceeding; None
  3. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; The Role Of Organization Justice In Compensation: Evidence From Malaysia' Glc; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2013; Issues of justice or fairness are a key concern to practically all individuals. Organizational Justice has the potential to create powerful benefits to organizations. In the reward system, compensation is one of the elements to improve effectiveness, efficiency and competitiveness of the employee. The perception of compensation justice and commitment is a sensitive and also the most important question in the organization. Organizational justice in compensation and organizational commitment will be study in this research in order to explore within Malaysia context. The number of respondents is 500 employees but the feedback from them is 382 employees from all level employees in top five government link companies (GLCs) in Forbes Global 2000 ranking (2011) which is located in Klang Valley. Based on making survey for 382 employees in Government Link Companies (GLCs), the paper gave a test for regression analysis between Organizational Justice in compensation and Organizational Commitment. The result show that procedural justice was an important, were mainly related to organizational commitment but the other types of justice also substantially related.; 19 Jun 2013; Conference Proceeding; None
  4. Rusnita Bte. Alimun, Mahiah Bte. Said, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Understanding Level Energy Conservation Among Students Of Malaysian Higher Learning Institution; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2013; The unsustainable consumer behavior is creating an imbalance development in the economic,social and ecological levels. Having the awareness and knowing the side effects of excessive consumption of resources calls for conservation behavior. The purpose of this study is to explain the conservation behavior as one of the aspects in green management and its significance in supporting and materializing the objective of energy saving. The findings will reveal the level of conservation behavior among students based on their understanding on the subject matter.; 19 Jun 2013; Conference Proceeding; None
  5. Farahdilah Bt Ghazali, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Aitab Vs Conventional Hire-Purchase : A Study Of Consumer’S Attitude; National Symposium And Exhibition On Business And Accounting (Nseba) 2013; Abstract— Leasing is one of the methods of financing which is very well accepted and practiced. It offers a flexible structure of repayment where the lessee is able to acquire the assets much faster and more convenient. Other the other hand, Islamic leasing has some different features as to the conventional one. Nevertheless, the idea and scope of leasing whether Islamic or conventional is not depart from each other. In Malaysia, these dual systems have been reflected in the practice of hire- purchase where Hire-Purchase Act (1967) (HPA) governs both conventional and Islamic hire-purchase transaction. Given the emphasis in today’s environment on customer awareness increasing on halal product thus, this conceptual paper is to investigate consumers’ attitude on both conventional hire-purchase and Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bay (AITAB) in selecting of mode of financing. Therefore, banking sector has been encouraged to implement and focus on Islamic hire-purchase to continue improvement of the products and services.; 19 Jun 2013; Conference Proceeding; None
  6. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; 1Mmc: The First Malaysia Methane Calculator ; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2013; Methane (CH4) is a principal element of natural gas in the environment and has been proved that it contributes to the greenhouse effect. It has a global warming effect where it can affect the world’s temperature and climate system 23 times greater than carbon dioxide. There are three main sources of Methane which are the use of fossil fuel mining, livestock waste and landfills. In 2007, United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) reported that in Mexico, the city of Monterrey is using methane to produce enough power to light over 15,000 homes. And in China’s Shanxi Province, methane is fuelling a power plant producing 120 megawatts of electricity. This scenario can be taken as an opportunity in manipulating the methane gas generated by livestock manure waste as a new energy alternative in Malaysia. ; 19 Jun 2013; Other; None
  7. Rusnita Bte. Alimun, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Integrity Inculcation Blueprint ; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2013; Integrity is an intangible core value of any organization that serves as the foundation to a performance culture. Being the basis to a strong culture, The Integrity Inculcation Blueprint is developed to indoctrinate the values of integrity in employees. The theory involved in this blueprint is the VBN Theory (Value-Belief-Norm Theory) where the components of values among employees need to be clearly identified, understood and predetermined in order to instill the beliefs of integrity and finally creating norms from the beliefs.It is a system of beliefs developed from a tool of value creation. It not only helps with the development of values but in the initial stage, it will involve the identification and correction and direction to integrity values. It is a total quality management that focuses on the core value of integrity.The concept of the blueprint is analogous to the significance of inculcating the right culture and it can be used by any organization to mold the integrity culture in a very systematic manner.; 19 Jun 2013; Other; None
  8. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; The Proposition Of New Multiphase Queuing Design For Performance Analysis At Malaysia Fast Food Restaurants; Natinal Symposium & Exhibition On Business & Accounting (Nseba 2014); Abstract—Customers never like to wait while getting service, especially in fast food restaurants. Unsatisfied customers may affect the profitability of the restaurant by balking or reneging. This concept paper intends to share the idea that queuing method may improve the current system performance and should be tested in a real-case scenario. Current model use of the system is multiple Server and multiphase design. And we would like to suggest how multiple servers and notifies Queuing design has a great potential in improving the design. Discussion about the benefits and potential issues that might be attractive to other researchers in the proposed design shall be discussed theoretically in this paper. The study will use Simulation technique and Queuing analysis in order to provide the evidence needed.; 19 Mar 2014; Conference Proceeding; None
  9. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; A Study Of Flexible Working Arrangements And Employee Productivity In Malaysia Glc; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business & Accounting (Nseba 2014); ABSTRACTThe research aims to study the relationship between flexible working arrangements and employee productivity in Malaysia GLC. The respondent in this study are administration staff from government link companies (GLCs) in Forbes Global 2000 ranking (2011) which is located in Klang Valley. Self-administered questionnaire was chosen as the primary data collection method and a sample of 200 were invited and 146 has completed the survey. After analyzing the data collected, Pearson’s correlation coefficient reflected that there was a positive correlation between flexible working arrangements variables towards employee productivity. Also, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to estimate the prediction power of flexible working arrangements variables on employee productivity. The finding revealed that all elements of flexible working arrangements could significantly predict employee productivity. It is not an exhaustive list and the sources are mainly for Malaysia Publications. This paper serves to discuss the benefit of applying flexible working arrangements as a strategy development in order to improve employee performance.; 19 Mar 2014; Conference Proceeding; None
  10. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; Succession Planning And Employee Retention In Healthcare Industry; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business & Accounting (Nseba 2014); ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study is to explore the prediction power of Succession Planning on Employee retention in Pahang heathcare industry. For this purpose, three government hospitals in Pahang were chosen to take part in collecting data through a structured questionnaire. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to estimate the prediction power of succession planning variables on employee retention. The finding revealed that all elements of succession planning variables could significantly predict employee retention. In these study four variables have been chosen. This study found that there is a significant relationship between Succession Planning and Employee Retention. It is not an exhaustive list and the sources are mainly for Malaysia Publications. By fostering succession planning in the healthcare industry, it could be able to retain employees for the long term. This study contributes to the scarce research on the concept of succession planning to the employee retention in the Malaysia healthcare industry. ; 19 Mar 2014; Conference Proceeding; None
  11. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, Rusnita Bte. Alimun; Role Personality Predictor Inventory In Student Selection; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business & Accounting (Nseba 2014); Summary of Invention:The selection of students for teachers' training institution's is very challenging. With the high demand in the teaching professions, the selection of students for teacher training institutions are made on a very large scale, mainly focusing on the cognitive ability of candidates. At first sight this appears to be a good thing as it allows the best students to be accepted. The real problem lies in determining how ‘best’ should be defined. Does “best” refers to students who will perform better at school or the one who will perform best in a lifetime of teaching practice? Are the two the same or are there different predictors for each? A range of academic and non-academic criteria are used for selection, including matriculation scenes, aptitude test and interview. The interview is not sufficient for assessing these characteristics. The selection processes need to have clear aims (must be valid, reliable, and unbiased). There is an online personality test, but not being used in the selection process. We are suggesting the use of personality test inventory as centralized selection centers and programs in the selection of students who are future teachers; 19 Mar 2014; Conference Proceeding; None
  12. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; Fun At Classroom Indicator (Funpin); National Symposium & Exhibition On Business & Accounting (Nseba 2014); Summary of Invention:This newest generation Y of students has been described as impatient, incurious, unmotivated, and in possession of a belief that they are entitled to large rewards for little amounts of effort. Many faculty seem to believe that students increasingly view the classroom as an assembly-line. To better understand our students’ changing values, attitudes, and beliefs, we need to understand their upbringing and environment. Based on partial research in Malaysia, has found that student who held positive attitudes towards fun and enjoyed the cheerfulness in the classroom were having higher student satisfaction. When the classroom is where fun are everyday occurrences, student are happier and more enthusiastic about their study resulting in higher performance. They are growing up in a fast-paced, technological, outcome-oriented environment, and they expect their higher education experience to provide them with the skills that they need to prosper in such an environment. Consider this generation an opportunity to question and enhance the approach to teaching, and reduce the bureaucracy of the classroom. Let’s turn to our students and ask for involvement to provide creative, hands-on solutions to problems. We should strive to cultivate their positive attitude, willingness to work, and challenge them to resolve the unanswered problems. ; 19 Mar 2014; Conference Proceeding; None
  13. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; Fun At Classroom Indicator (Funpin); Uinten Research Exposition (Unirex 2014); Summary of Invention:This newest generation Y of students has been described as impatient, incurious, unmotivated, and in possession of a belief that they are entitled to large rewards for little amounts of effort. Many faculty seem to believe that students increasingly view the classroom as an assembly-line. To better understand our students’ changing values, attitudes, and beliefs, we need to understand their upbringing and environment. Based on partial research in Malaysia, has found that student who held positive attitudes towards fun and enjoyed the cheerfulness in the classroom were having higher student satisfaction. When the classroom is where fun are everyday occurrences, student are happier and more enthusiastic about their study resulting in higher performance. They are growing up in a fast-paced, technological, outcome-oriented environment, and they expect their higher education experience to provide them with the skills that they need to prosper in such an environment. Consider this generation an opportunity to question and enhance the approach to teaching, and reduce the bureaucracy of the classroom. Let’s turn to our students and ask for involvement to provide creative, hands-on solutions to problems. We should strive to cultivate their positive attitude, willingness to work, and challenge them to resolve the unanswered problems. ; 24 Apr 2014; Conference Proceeding; None
  14. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; Physical Health And Good Mental Health:Utilizing Biofeedback; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business & Accounting (Nseba) 2015; Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 02 Apr 2015; Other; None
  15. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; The Effect Of Islamic Mortality Awareness Module (Imam) On Smoking Behavior ; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business & Accounting (Nseba) 2015; Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 02 Apr 2015; Other; None
  16. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; The Preamble Islamic Spiritual Intelligence (Iman Intelligence ); National Symposium & Exhibition On Business & Accounting (Nseba) 2015; Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 02 Apr 2015; Other; None
  17. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; The Relationship Between Fun At Workplace And Job Satisfaction At The Retail Industry In Klang Valley; National Symposium & Exhibition On Business & Accounting 2015 (Nseba Iv); ABSTRACT – From the perspective of maintaining and retaining the appropriate employees within the organization, job satisfaction are absolutely an important determinant about fitting the right person to the right job and keeping them satisfied. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between fun in the workplace and job satisfaction. 148 participants from the retail industry in Klang Valley was involved in this study. They expressed relatively positive effects that employees who experienced more fun in their workplace had greater satisfaction with their job. This study contributed to the existing literature on the positive job satisfaction outcomes associated with fun in the workplace. Moreover, it offered a useful approach to both researchers and practitioners, to pay attention to how fun at workplace influences their job satisfaction. Specifically, placing higher value on fun, will achieve higher job satisfaction; 02 Apr 2015; Conference Proceeding; None
  18. Abdul Rahman Bin Zahari, BAKHTIAR BIN ALRAZI, Elinda Binti Esa, Siti Sarah Bt Wan Latif, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, Zuliawati Binti Mohamed Saad, Mohd Nashraf B. Mohd Nasruddin; Report On The Effectiveness Of Tnb Public Relation Campaign 2015; Uniten-Inspa-Coba; Type :Technical Reports,Source Name :Report on the Effectiveness of TNB Public Relation Campaign 2015, Volume :1, Issue No :1, Article ID :0, Page Start :1, Page End : 53, ISSN :0, Publisher :UNITEN; 13 Oct 2015; Other; None
  19. Salina Daud, zulkifli abdullah, Norhayati Mat Husin, BAKHTIAR BIN ALRAZI, Abdul Rahman Bin Zahari, Nurul Nadiah Bt. Ahmad, Suzaida Bte. Bakar, Noor Awanis Muslim, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, Noraini Bt Ismail; Socio-Economic Implications Of Tnb Decisions On Awarding Suppliers With Local Versus Imported Products; Technical Report On Socio-Economic Implications Of Tnb Decisions On Awarding Suppliers With Local Versus Imported Products; Type :Technical Reports,Source Name :Consultancy Report, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :1, Page End : 33, ISSN :-, Publisher :UNITEN; 31 Dec 2015; Other; None
  20. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; The Application Of Waiting Lines System In Improving Customer Service Management: The Examination Of Malaysia Fast Food Restaurants Industry; International Conference On Advances In Renewable Energy And Technologies (Icaret 2016); Volume :1, Issue No :32, Article ID :10.1088/1755-1315/32/1/012074, Page Start :-, Page End :-, ISSN :10.1088/1755-1315/32/1/012074; 24 Feb 2016; Conference Proceeding; SCOPUS
  21. Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Noor Awanis Muslim; Uni10 Emp-Pools ; Perintis, 2016; Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 01 May 2016; Other; None
  22. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; An Analysis The Green Human Resource Management Practices To Influencing Employee’S Performance Among Sme’S In Pahang; International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2016 (Iseba 2016); ,,,,,; 04 May 2016; Conference Proceeding; None
  23. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; The Preeamble Of Iman Intelligence For Quality Human Capital; International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2016 (Iseba 2016); ,,,,,; 04 May 2016; Conference Proceeding; None
  24. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; Classroom Happiness Index (Crh Index); International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2016 (Iseba 2016); Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 04 May 2016; Other; None
  25. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; Student Softskill Balanced Scorecard (Ssbsc); International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2016 (Iseba 2016); Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 04 May 2016; Other; None
  26. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; The Application Of Single Que Multiserver Waiting Line SystemIn Fast Food Industry; International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2016 (Iseba 2016); Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 04 May 2016; Other; None
  27. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; I-Auditor: Iman Auditor; Perintis 2016; Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 16 Sep 2016; Other; None
  28. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, Normaisarah Bt Abdul Manaf; Chindex: Classroom Happiness Index; Perintis 2016; Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 16 Nov 2016; Other; None
  29. Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Noor Awanis Muslim; Uni10 Emp Pools; International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2017 (Iseba 2017); Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 01 Mar 2017; Other; None
  30. Siti Sarah Bt Wan Latif, Fadzilah Bte Embong, Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Smart Internship System (Sis); International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2017 (Iseba 2017); Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :ISBN:978-983-42982-9-6; 01 Mar 2017; Other; None
  31. KAMILAH BINTI SEMAN, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Big Five Personality Traits On Academic Performance AmongFoundation Students; International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2017 (Iseba 2017); Volume :1, Issue No :1, Article ID :LWED009, Page Start :1, Page End :6, ISSN :978-983-42982-9-6; 01 Mar 2017; Conference Proceeding; None
  32. Mohd Nashraf B. Mohd Nasruddin, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, R. Jegatheesan A/l V. Rajadurai, Noor Awanis Muslim, Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli; Tnb New Biogas Business Tool (Tnbit); International Sysposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2017 (Iseba 2017); Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End :-, ISSN :-; 01 Mar 2017; Conference Proceeding; None
  33. Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, Noor Awanis Muslim, Mohd Zulkeflee B. Abd Razak, Siti Fara Fadila Binti Abd. Razak; Plagiarism Intention Detection Index (I-10Tect); International Sysposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2017 (Iseba 2017); Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End :-, ISSN :-; 01 Mar 2017; Conference Proceeding; None
  34. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, Normaisarah Bt Abdul Manaf; Classroom Happiness Index; International Sysposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2017 (Iseba 2017); Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End :-, ISSN :-; 01 Mar 2017; Conference Proceeding; None
  35. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Noor Awanis Muslim, Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, Mohd Nashraf B. Mohd Nasruddin; Green Business Modelling - 'Green Agrotech-Preneurs'; International Sysposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2017 (Iseba 2017); Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End :-, ISSN :-; 01 Mar 2017; Conference Proceeding; None
  36. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, Normaisarah Bt Abdul Manaf; Classroom Happiness Index; Information And Communication Technology Research Competition 2017; Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 01 Apr 2017; Other; None
  37. Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Noor Awanis Muslim; Uni10 Emp-Pool; Information And Communication Technology Research Competition 2017; Source Name :-, Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End : -, ISSN :-; 04 Apr 2017; Other; None
  38. Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; Determinants Of User Acceptance And Usage Behavior Of The Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) Among Private University’S Students In Pahang.; World Applied Sciences Journal; Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End :-, ISSN :-; 08 Jan 2018; Journal; Indexing In Progress
  39. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; The Acceptance Of Iman Intelligence Among Islamic Scholars In Malaysia; International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2018 (Iseba 2018); Volume :10, Issue No :3, Article ID :133618153, Page Start :1, Page End :8, ISSN :1947-5667; 02 Jul 2018; Journal; ERA
  40. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Nur Lyana Bte. Baharin, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; O.S.E.M Center (One-Stop Employees’ Management Center); International Symposium & Exhibition On Business And Accounting 2018 (Iseba 2018); ; 28 Aug 2018; Conference Proceeding; None
  41. Normaisarah Bt Abdul Manaf, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; "Cikgu Saman" Initiative (C.Si): Students' Disciplinary Management Applications; Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal; ; 28 Aug 2018; Conference Proceeding; ERA
  42. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, Mohd Nashraf B. Mohd Nasruddin, Noor Awanis Muslim, R. Jegatheesan A/l V. Rajadurai; Tnbit - Tnb Biogas Calculator; Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal; Volume :10, Issue No :Special Issue, Article ID :1947-5667 (Online), Page Start :1187, Page End :1193, ISSN :1947-5667 (Online); 28 Aug 2018; Journal; ERA
  43. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Zuliawati Binti Mohamed Saad, Shafazawana Bte Mohamed Tharikh, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; "W.I.S.E.R" Wind Solutions For Electricity Revolution; Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal; Volume :10, Issue No :Special Issue, Article ID :1947-5667 (Online), Page Start :1147, Page End :1151, ISSN :1947-5667 (Online); 28 Aug 2018; Journal; ERA
  44. Normaisarah Bt Abdul Manaf, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; Poster Title: C.S.I (“Cikgu Saman” Initiative); Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal.; Volume :10, Issue No :3, Article ID :-, Page Start :1206, Page End :1210, ISSN :1947-5667; 28 Aug 2018; Journal; ERA
  45. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, Noor Awanis Muslim, R. Jegatheesan A/l V. Rajadurai, Mohd Nashraf B. Mohd Nasruddin; Biogas Map As A Renewable Energy Resource; Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal; Volume :10, Issue No :Special Issue, Article ID :1947-5667 (Online), Page Start :1198, Page End :1205, ISSN :1947-5667 (Online); 28 Sep 2018; Journal; ERA
  46. GOPINATHAN A/L MUTHAIYAH, KUMARAN A/L PALANISAMY, Adlansyah Bin Abd Rahman, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Progress Of Biogas Industry In Malaysia : Cattle Manure As Potential Substrate For Biogas Production And Issues And Challenges ; International Conference On Green Energy For Sustainable Development ; Volume :5, Issue No :4, Article ID :10.1, Page Start :1, Page End :5, ISSN :2256; 24 Oct 2018; Conference Proceeding; Indexing In Progress
  47. Amar Hisham Bin Jaaffar, SITI INDATI BINTI MUSTAPA @ JAAFAR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, Amanuddin Bin Shamsuddin, R. Jegatheesan A/l V. Rajadurai, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Mohd Nur Ruzainy Bin Alwi, Baharuddin Muhammad Hussin, Masdiah Bt. Abdul Hamid; Study Of Colour Coding Transition In Accordance With Iec 60445 In The Malaysia Market And Proposal On Action And Implementation Plan To Move Forward; Na; Type :Technical Reports,Source Name :Final Report Project Under Chair of Energy Economics Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Volume :NA, Issue No :NA, Article ID :NA, Page Start :1, Page End : 115, ISSN :NA, Publisher :NA; 30 Oct 2018; Other; None
  48. Amar Hisham Bin Jaaffar, R. Jegatheesan A/l V. Rajadurai, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, Mohd Nur Ruzainy Bin Alwi; Preventing Accidents From Reoccurring Due To Colour Coding Transition In Malaysian Market: A Stakeholder Analysis; International Journal Of Engineering & Technology; Volume :7, Issue No :4.35, Article ID :10.14419/ijet.v7i4.35.23116, Page Start :830, Page End :834, ISSN :2227-524X; 01 Dec 2018; Journal; SCOPUS
  49. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, Amar Hisham Bin Jaaffar; I-Auditor: Islamic Heart And Soul Purification Approach; Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal; Volume :10, Issue No :3, Article ID :-, Page Start :1228, Page End :1232, ISSN :1947-5667; 08 Dec 2018; Journal; ERA
  50. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Nur Lyana Bte. Baharin, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; O.S.E.M Center (One-Stop Employees’ Management Center); Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal; Volume :10, Issue No :3, Article ID :-, Page Start :1177, Page End :1182, ISSN :1947-5667 (Online); 08 Dec 2018; Journal; ERA
  51. SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Noraini Bt Ismail, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Behomes: Biogas Electricity For Homes; Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal; Volume :10, Issue No :3, Article ID :-, Page Start :1123, Page End :1127, ISSN :1947-5667 ; 11 Dec 2018; Journal; ERA
  52. Rusnita Bte. Alimun, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR; Mental Health Indicators Among Generation Y; Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal; Volume :10, Issue No :3, Article ID :none, Page Start :589, Page End :595, ISSN :1947-5667 (Online); 11 Dec 2018; Journal; ERA
  53. ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, SHAHRUL SUHAIMI AB. SHUKOR, Normaisarah Bt Abdul Manaf, Maizatul Akmar Binti Mohd Rasli, Rusnita Bte. Alimun; Exploring The Effects Of Fun Elements On Student Satisfaction; Global Business And Management Research: An International Journal; Volume :10, Issue No :3, Article ID :none, Page Start :616, Page End :625, ISSN :1947-5667 (Online); 11 Dec 2018; Journal; ERA
  54. Wahidah Binti Hashim, Husni Bte. Mohd Radzi, FARIDAH HANI BTE MOHAMED SALLEH, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Fishing Community Wireless Network ConceptIn Kuala Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia; International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering (Ijrte); Volume :8, Issue No :2S8, Article ID ::10.35940/ijrte.B1195.0882S819 , Page Start :1889, Page End :1894, ISSN :ISSN: 2277-3878; 01 Aug 2019; Journal; SCOPUS
  55. Amar Hisham Bin Jaaffar, SITI INDATI BINTI MUSTAPA @ JAAFAR, Sahaida Laily Bt Md Hashim, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL, Hasmaizan Bt. Hassan; Assessment Of System Average Interruption Duration Index (Saidi) In Malaysian Electricity Supply Performance Measure; Na; Type :Technical Reports,Source Name :Final Report of Project Under Chair Energy Economics Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Volume :NA, Issue No :NA, Article ID :NA, Page Start :1, Page End : 79, ISSN :NA, Publisher :NA; 01 Sep 2020; Other; None
  56. Husni Bte. Mohd Radzi, Wahidah Binti Hashim, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Keusahawanan Digital Dalam Komuniti: Kajian-Kajian Kes Memperkasa Wanita Dengan Keusahawanan Melalui Pendekatan Kunita: Kajian Kes Rompin; Umt Press; ; 10 Nov 2021; Research Book Chapter; None
  57. Azlina Bte. Abdullah, Nurul Wahilah Bte. Hj. Abdul Latif, Abdul Rahman Bin Zahari, Zeittey Karmilla Bte Kaman, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Leveraging Smart Meter To Improve Customer Satisfaction And Tnb's Operation; Uniten-Urnd-Cogs-Coba; Type :Technical Reports,Source Name :Leveraging smart meter to improve customer satisfaction and TNB's operation, Volume :1, Issue No :0, Article ID :0, Page Start :1, Page End : 132, ISSN :0, Publisher :UNITEN; 16 Nov 2021; Other; None
  58. AZLINA BINTI ABDULLAH, Nurul Wahilah Bte. Hj. Abdul Latif, Abdul Rahman Bin Zahari, Zeittey Karmilla Bte Kaman, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Leveraging Smart Meter To Improve Customer Satisfaction And Tnb's Operation; Uniten-Cogs-Coba-Urnd; Type :Technical Reports,Source Name :Leveraging Smart Meter to improve customer satisfaction and TNB's operation, Volume :1, Issue No :0, Article ID :0, Page Start :1, Page End : 132, ISSN :0, Publisher :UNITEN; 16 Nov 2021; Other; None
  59. Azlina Bte. Abdullah, Nurul Wahilah Bte. Hj. Abdul Latif, Abdul Rahman Bin Zahari, Zeittey Karmilla Bte Kaman, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Investigating The Contributing Factors Of Continuance Use Of Smart Meter In Melaka; 7Th International Visual Informatics Conference 2021; Volume :NA, Issue No :NA, Article ID :https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90235-3, Page Start :655, Page End :664, ISSN :978-3-030-90234-6; 23 Nov 2021; Conference Proceeding; SCOPUS
  60. Azlina Bte. Abdullah, Nurul Wahilah Bte. Hj. Abdul Latif, Abdul Rahman Bin Zahari, Zeittey Karmilla Bte Kaman, ZURINA BINTI ISMAIL; Highlighting The Contributing Factors Of Smart Meter (Sm) Adoption In Klang Valley; 7Th International Visual Informatics Conference 2021; Volume :NA, Issue No :NA, Article ID :https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90235-3, Page Start :665, Page End :675, ISSN :978-3-030-90235-3; 23 Nov 2021; Conference Proceeding; SCOPUS