About Me
Courses Taught
Professional Bodies
Research Projects

About Me

Full Name:
Contact Number:
03-89212020 Ext: 7262
Department of Civil Engineering

Academic Qualifications

  1. M. Eng in Civil Engineering, UKM, 2008
  2. B. Eng (Hons) in Civil & Environmental Engineering, UKM, 2004

Working Experiences

Position Place of Work Start End
Lecturer UNITEN 2013 2024
Lecturer INTI IU 2009 2013
Design Engineer H P Lee dan Rakan-Rakan 2004 2006

Courses Taught

  1. CECB1014 - Mechanics I: Statics
  2. CECB113 - Mechanics I: Statics
  3. CEGB2021 - Geotechnics Laboratory
  4. CEGB231 - Soil Mechanics Laboratory
  5. CEGB333 - Geotechnical Engineering
  6. CEMB121 - Mechanics of Materials Laboratory
  7. CESB223 - Structural Analysis I
  8. CETB423 - Highway Design & Traffic Engineering
  9. CEVB2014 - Surveying for Engineers
  10. CEVB2021 - Surveying Practical Training
  11. CEVB211 - Surveying Practical Training
  12. CEVB2111 - Surveying Practical Training
  13. CEVB2113 - Surveying for Engineers
  14. CEVB213 - Surveying for Engineers
  15. CEWB1021 - Mechanics of Fluids Laboratory
  16. COEB3036 - Industrial Training
  17. COEB314 - Industrial Training

Professional Bodies

  1. Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM): Normal Member- 2006
  2. International Association of Engineers (IAENG): Normal Member- 2021
  3. International Association of Engineers (IAENG): Normal Member- 2021
  4. International Association of Engineers (IAENG): Normal Member- 2021
  5. International Association of Engineers (IAENG): Normal Member- 2021
  6. International Association of Engineers (IAENG): Normal Member- 2021
  7. International Association of Engineers (IAENG): Normal Member- 2021
  8. International Association of Engineers (IAENG): Member- 2021
  9. The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia: Normal Member- 2024
  10. The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia: Normal Member- 2023
  11. The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia: Member- 2022
  12. The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia: Member- 2021

Research Projects


  1. Wong Jee Khai, Chua Yaw Long, Ker Pin Jern; Analysis Of Private Tuition History Of Students Taking Engineering Programmes In Uniten ; Uniten Teaching And Learning Symposium 2014; Pg 72 - 78; 27 Aug 2014; Conference Proceeding; None
  2. Chua Yaw Long, Ker Pin Jern, Wong Jee Khai; Comparison Of Learning Styles Between EngineeringStudents And Non-Engineering Students In Uniten; South East Asian Association For Institutional Research; Proceedings of the 14th Annual SEAAIR ConferenceISSN 2408-3275, pg 373-379; 08 Oct 2014; Conference Proceeding; None
  3. Wong Jee Khai, CHUA KOK HUA; Removal Of Zinc (Ii) From Aqueous Solution UsingMangosteen Fruit Shell; The 3Rd National Graduate Conference (Natgrad2015); Paper ID 63, page 248-251 ; 05 May 2015; Conference Proceeding; None
  4. Mohd Zakwan Bin Ramli, Wong Jee Khai; Level Of Service For Pedestrian Towards The Performance Of Passenger Information In Integrated Rail Transit Station: Sustainable Criteria For Station Design; International Journal Of New Technology And Research; Volume :2, Issue No :4, Article ID :28, Page Start :127, Page End :129, ISSN :2454-4116; 01 Apr 2016; Journal; None
  5. Wong Jee Khai, CHUA KOK HUA; Removal Of Zn(Ii) From Aqueous Solution By Mangosteen Shell Powder; Advanced Research In Engineering And Information Technology International Conference Areitic 2016International ConferenceAreitic 2016; Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :-, Page Start :-, Page End :-, ISSN :1936-6612 ; 31 May 2016; Conference Proceeding; None
  6. Wong Jee Khai, CHUA KOK HUA; Application Of Mangosteen As An Agent Of Chemical Removal In Water Treatment; The International Conference On Green Design And Manufacture 2017 (Icongdm 2017); Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :103, Page Start :-, Page End :-, ISSN :-; 30 Apr 2017; Conference Proceeding; None
  7. Wong Jee Khai, CHUA KOK HUA; Removal Of Zn(Ii) From Aqueous Solution By Mangosteen Shell Powder; Advanced Science Letters; Volume :23, Issue No :5, Article ID :-, Page Start :3980, Page End :3983, ISSN :-; 01 May 2017; Journal; SCOPUS
  8. Wong Jee Khai, Chow Ming Fai; Phosphorus Removal Performance Of Subsurface Constructed Wetland After Years Of Operation In Malaysia; International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering (Icace 2017); Volume :-, Issue No :-, Article ID :1773108, Page Start :53, Page End :54, ISSN :-; 08 May 2017; Conference Proceeding; None
  9. Wong Jee Khai, Chow Ming Fai; Evaluating The Phosphorus Removal Performance Of An Aged Subsurface Constructed Wetland In Malaysia; Ecology, Environment And Conservation; Volume :23, Issue No :2017, Article ID :Nov. Suppl., Page Start :41, Page End :45, ISSN :0971-765X; 23 Nov 2017; Journal; ISI
  10. Chow Ming Fai, LARIYAH BTE MOHD SIDEK, Wong Jee Khai; Investigating The Plant Species And Rainfall Factors On Stormwater Retention Performance Of Extensive Green Roofs In Malaysia.; International Journal Of Engineering And Technology(Uae), ; Volume :7, Issue No :3, Article ID :http://dx.doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.9.15279, Page Start :71, Page End :74, ISSN :2227-524X ; 01 Jul 2018; Journal; SCOPUS
  11. Wong Jee Khai, Chow Ming Fai; Sorption Of Copper Metal Solution By Wetland Soil; International Journal Of Engineering & Technology; Volume :7, Issue No :3.9, Article ID :10.14419/ijet.v7i3.9.15278, Page Start :68, Page End :70, ISSN :2227-524X; 09 Jul 2018; Journal; SCOPUS
  12. Chow Ming Fai, Wong Jee Khai, LARIYAH BTE MOHD SIDEK; Investigating The Plant Species And Rainfall Factors On Stormwater Retention Performance Of Extensive Green Roofs In Malaysia; International Journal Of Engineering & Technology; Volume :7, Issue No :Special issue 3.9, Article ID : 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.9.15279, Page Start :71, Page End :74, ISSN :2227-524X; 09 Jul 2018; Journal; SCOPUS
  13. Wong Jee Khai, CHUA KOK HUA; Utilization Of Mangosteen Rind For The Removal Of Zinc InWastewater Treatment; Green Design And Manufacture: Advanced And Emerging Applications: Proceedings Of The 4Th International Conference On Green Design And Manufacture 2018; Volume :2030, Issue No :1, Article ID :10.1063/1.5066833, Page Start :020192-1, Page End :020192-5, ISSN :978-0-7354-1752-6; 09 Nov 2018; Conference Proceeding; SCOPUS
  14. Chow Ming Fai, Wong Jee Khai; An Overview Of Plant Species And Substrate Materials Or Green Roof System In Tropical Climate Urban Environment; Aip Conference Proceedings; ; 12 Nov 2018; Conference Proceeding; SCOPUS
  15. Wong Jee Khai, Al Mahfoodh Ali Najah Ahmed; Daily Forecasting Of Dam WaterLevels Using Machine Learning; International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (Ijciet); Volume :10, Issue No :06, Article ID :na, Page Start :314, Page End :323, ISSN :0976-6316; 01 Jun 2019; Journal; None
  16. Wong Jee Khai, Al Mahfoodh Ali Najah Ahmed; Explore Possible Climate Change Impacts On Surface Flooding In Kelantan; International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (Ijciet); Volume :10, Issue No :6, Article ID :na, Page Start :435, Page End :443, ISSN :0976-6316; 11 Jul 2019; Journal; None
  17. Chow Ming Fai, Wong Jee Khai, Al Mahfoodh Ali Najah Ahmed; Improving Dam And Reservoir Operation Rules Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming And Artificial Neural Network Integration Model; Sustainability; Volume :11, Issue No :19, Article ID :10.3390/su11195367, Page Start :5367, Page End :5476, ISSN :20711050; 01 Oct 2019; Journal; ISI
  18. Wong Jee Khai, Al Mahfoodh Ali Najah Ahmed; Review Of Nitrogen Compounds Prediction In Water Bodies Using Artificial Neural Networks And Other Models; Sustainability; Volume :12, Issue No :11, Article ID :https://doi.org/10.3390/su12114359, Page Start :4359, Page End :na, ISSN :na; 26 May 2020; Journal; ISI
  19. Chow Ming Fai, Wong Jee Khai, Al Mahfoodh Ali Najah Ahmed; Investigating The Reliability Of Machine Learning Algorithms As A Sustainable Tool For Total Suspended Solid Prediction; Ain Shams Engineering Journal; Volume :'', Issue No :'', Article ID :"", Page Start :1, Page End :13, ISSN :2090-4479; 01 Jun 2021; Journal; ISI
  20. Chow Ming Fai, Wong Jee Khai; Evapotranspiration Measurement And Estimation Of Crop Coefficient For Native Plant Species Of Green Roof In The Tropics; Water ; Volume :'13, Issue No :12, Article ID :10.3390/w13121669, Page Start :1, Page End :16, ISSN :2073-4441; 09 Jun 2021; Journal; SCOPUS
  21. Wong Jee Khai, Chua Yaw Long; Computational Thinking In Solving Engineering Problems –A Conceptual Model; Asian Journal Of Assessment In Teaching And Learning; Volume :11, Issue No :1, 2021, Article ID :10.37134/ajatel.vol11.2.3.2021, Page Start :24, Page End :31, ISSN :ISSN2232-1926/eISSN 2600-870X; 14 Sep 2021; Journal; MyCITE
  22. Al Mahfoodh Ali Najah Ahmed, Wong Jee Khai; Machine Learning Algorithm As A Sustainable Tool For Dissolved Oxygen Prediction: A Case Study Of Feitsui Reservoir, Taiwan; Scientific Reports; Volume :12, Issue No :1, Article ID :10.1038/s41598-022-06969-z, Page Start :NA, Page End :NA, ISSN :20452322; 01 Jan 2022; Journal; ISI
  23. Wong Jee Khai, Al Mahfoodh Ali Najah Ahmed; Efficiency Enhancement In Energy Production Of Photovoltaic Modules Through Green Roof Installation Under Tropical Climates. ; Ain Shams Engineering Journal; Volume :13, Issue No :5, Article ID :10.1016/j.asej.2022.101741, Page Start :101741, Page End :101741, ISSN :2090-4479; 01 Apr 2022; Journal; ISI
  24. Herda Yati Binti Katman, Wong Jee Khai; Transforming Conventional Construction Binders And Grouts Into High-Performance Nano-Carbon-Binders And Grouts For To-Day’S Construction; Mdpi: Buildings; Volume :1, Issue No :1, Article ID :Buildings2022, 12, x. https://doi.org/10.3390/xxxxx www.mdpi.com/journal/buildings, Page Start :1, Page End :23, ISSN : 2075-5309; 06 Jul 2022; Journal; Indexing In Progress
  25. Herda Yati Binti Katman, Wong Jee Khai; Transforming Conventional Construction Binders And Grouts Into High-Performance Nanocarbon Binders And Grouts For Today’S Constructions; Https://Www.Mdpi.Com/Journal/Sustainability; Volume :1, Issue No :1, Article ID :1, Page Start :1, Page End :19, ISSN :2071-1050; 03 Aug 2022; Journal; Indexing In Progress
  26. Herda Yati Binti Katman, Wong Jee Khai; Experimental Investigation Of A New Design Of Insulation Gypsum Plaster Blocks; Https://Www.Mdpi.Com/Journal/Buildings; Volume :1, Issue No :1, Article ID :https://doi.org/10.3390/xxxxx, Page Start :1, Page End :18, ISSN :2075-5309; 11 Aug 2022; Journal; Indexing In Progress
  27. Wong Jee Khai, Shuhairy Bin Norhisham, NORLELA BTE ISMAIL, Mohd Zakwan Bin Ramli; Advances Of Mass Rapid Transit’S Facilities In Asean Cities: A Review; 6Th International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering; Volume :., Issue No :., Article ID :., Page Start :., Page End :., ISSN :ISSN: 2366-2557; 18 Aug 2022; Conference Proceeding; Indexing In Progress
  28. Wong Jee Khai, Shuhairy Bin Norhisham, NORLELA BTE ISMAIL, Agusril; Identifying The Mass Rapid Transit (Mrt) Customer’S Demographic And Travelling Pattern; 6Th International Conference On Architecture And Civil Engineering; Volume :., Issue No :., Article ID :., Page Start :., Page End :., ISSN :ISSN: 2366-2557; 18 Aug 2022; Conference Proceeding; Indexing In Progress
  29. Herda Yati Binti Katman, Wong Jee Khai; Workability, Strength, Modulus Of Elasticity, And Permeability Feature Of Wheat Straw Ash-Incorporated Hydraulic Cement ConCret; Mdpi Buildings; Volume :1, Issue No :1, Article ID :https://www.mdpi.com/2075-5309/12/7/907, Page Start :1, Page End :21, ISSN : 2075-5309; 25 Aug 2022; Journal; Indexing In Progress
  30. Wong Jee Khai, Al Mahfoodh Ali Najah Ahmed; Efficiency Enhancement In Energy Production Of Photovoltaic Modules Through Green Roof Installation UnderTropical Climates; Ain Shams Engineering Journal; Volume :13, Issue No :5, Article ID :10.1016/j.asej.2022.101741, Page Start :NA, Page End :NA, ISSN :101741; 01 Sep 2022; Journal; ISI
  31. Herda Yati Binti Katman, Wong Jee Khai; Fabrication And Characterization Of Cement-Based Hybrid Con-Crete Containing Coir-Fiber For Advancing The Concrete Construc-Tion; Mdpi Buildings; Volume :1, Issue No :1, Article ID :https://www.mdpi.com/journal/buildings, Page Start :1, Page End :18, ISSN :2075-5309; 08 Sep 2022; Journal; Indexing In Progress
  32. Wong Jee Khai; Experimental And Numerical Study Of The Strength Performance Of Deep Beams With Perforated Thin Mild Steel Plates As Shear Reinforcement; Mdpi - Appl. Sci.; Volume :13, Issue No :14, Article ID :10.3390/app13148217 , Page Start :-, Page End :-, ISSN :2076-3417; 15 Jul 2023; Journal; ISI
  33. Herda Yati Binti Katman, Wong Jee Khai, Mohd Fatah Bin Abdul Halim, Ahmad Firman Bin Zamzuri, Norlailati Shima Bte. Mohamad, Nor Farhana Binti Mohd Said, Noor Aqmal Shakila Binti Kamarudin, Khairul Nizam Bin Sulaiman; Investigation On The Blending Process Of Rubber Production Waste From Dipping Tank With Bitumen That Governs The Rheology Of Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen (Nrmb) And Performance Of Natural Rubber Modified Mixture (Nrmm). ; International Conference On Sustainable Energy, Infrastructure & Environment 2024 (Icseie 2024); Volume :NA, Issue No :NA, Article ID :NA, Page Start :NA, Page End :NA, ISSN :NA; 30 Nov 2024; Journal; Indexing In Progress